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Thursday, June 26, 2014


HSPU Warm-up
  • 6 sets of 3 abmat+15
  • 1 set of 2 abmat+10
  • 3 singles abmat only
A. Segmented Snatch (2 in, above knee, mid thigh). 60s rest x 20 (55 to 85#)

B. Snatch Balance 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3. (65, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95x2)

3 RFT - 7:55
10 HPC 125#
10 Dips (strict on box)


Strict HSPU Practice. 5 sets of 2 abmat+15

A. 25 WB for time. 2 min rest. x7 (48s, 46s, 46s, 46s, 46s, 46s, 45s)

B. 21 Burpees for time. 2 min rest. x6 (1:01; 1:08; 1:10; 1:11; 1:15; 1:19)

15 min easy AirDyne (333 "clicks")


Strict HSPU practice. abmat+15 x2, abmat+10 x1

A. Incline Bench Press. 4-5 reps. 2 min rest. x5 (65, 70, 75, 75, 75)

B. DB/KB Elbow wide row. 6-8 reps. 1 min rest btw arms. x4 (30, 35, 40, 40)

C. KB Snatch. AMRAP sets of 5 in 6 min . 35# - 24 + 4 reps (124 reps)


A. Squat Snatch 1 RM (100#)

B. 30 Squat Cleans 135# - 10:11 @ 115#

Double Under Practice: 31, 55, 43, 26


A. CTB. AMSAP Hold & Slow, push away 10-20 reps (ft elev ring rows)

B. Bench Press @ 2220. 3-4 reps. 2 min rest. x5 (65, 70, 75, 80, 85)

C1. Pendlay Row. 4-5 reps. 45s rest (85, 90, 100, 105, 110, 110)
C2. DB/KB 2 arm PP. 4-5 reps. 45s rest (35#)

D. Strict TtB (or K2A). 50 not for time


A. SCx1 / HSCx2. rest 2 min. x5 (115, 120, 125, 120, 135 perfect elbows)

B. DL cluster TnG. 2.2.2. rest 30s / rest 3 min. x5 (215, 225, 250, 250, 250)

7 RFT  - 23:16
3 DL 215#
3 strict weighted PU w 15#
3 Squat Snatch 80# (hang)
3 BJ 28"


A. Wall Ball "2 for 1". 15 for time. 90s rest x5  (?; 1:27; 1:11; 1:34; 1:28)

B. Burpee. 20 for time. 90s rest. x5 (53s, 59s, 1:03, 1:08, 1:04)

C. 100 KBS for time 1.5 pood. 25 DU at top of each min - 11:59


A. CTB Practice. 10 min

B. S.A. KB/DB Press. 4-6 reps per arm. 90s rest. x4 m (35#)

C1. PS 65#. AMRAP 60s. 60s rest. (13, 10, 9, 11, 8)
C2. Dip. AMRAP 60s. 60s rest (11, 10, 10l, 9, 8)



50 Turkish Get-ups (1/1.5)

3 Rounds
17 Front Squats
810m Run


A. PS x1 / HPS x2 / snatch balance x3. rest as needed x5 (65, 70, 75, 80, 85)

B. Bench Press w chains 5x5. 2 min rest (CH, +5, +10, +15, +20)

C. ring row@31x3. AMRAP 60s x5 (8, 5, 4, 3, 3)

D1. Ring Dip @22x2. AMRAP. 10s rest (3, 4, 4)
D2. Push up @ 22x2. AMRAP. 0s rest. (10,5, 5)
D3. Push-up knees @22x2. AMRAP. 3 min rest (13, 12, 15)


3 RFT - 13:06
  • 45 DU
  • 30 UB Thrusters 45#
  • 15 Pullup


A. CGPB. 5, 5, 5 (105, 110, 115)

B1. DB/KB Shoulder Press. 5 per arm. 60s rest (30#)
B2. HSPU Neg. 5 reps. 60s rest (25+15 plates)

5 RFT - 5:54
  • 5 strict ring dips
  • 5 pushup


A. Hang Squat Snatch. 5 TnG unbroken less than 20s per 5. x6. rest as needed (60, 65, 70, 75, 80)

B1. Strict Pullup. AMRAP in 15s. 45s rest. (6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
B2. Strict Press 55#. AMRAP in 15s. 45s rest. x 6-10 (8, 8, 8, 7, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7)

C. HPC&J. 95#. AMRAP 1-3 ladders in 6 min. (5 rds+3)


A. FS @22x1. 6-8 reps. form trumps load. 2 min rest. x5 (85, 95, 105, 110, 115x6)

B. BS w chains. 3 reps OTM x16 (less than 10s for 3) (w 10# plates)

C. WB. 1 set max UB reps to 10' (50)

D. DU. 10 sets of 30 UB for time (6:30 time cap) (9 sets + 10 reps)


A. PC. 10 mod tough singles (work on elbows, perfect form) (105, 110, 115)

DL 205#
BJ 24" (full extension)



A. Butterfly CTB. 5-10 min

B. Ring Dips@22x2. 4-6 reps. 2 min rest x5

C. Hip to Ring Pullup. 5-10 min

D. Single Arm KB Strict Press. 25#. AMRAP. 60s rest b/w arms (R: 13, 11, 13; L:12, 10, 7)

E. Single Arm Bent Over Row @31x3. 4-6 reps per arm. 90s rest (25, 35, 45, 45)


A. SCx1 / HSCx3. 2 min rest. x4 (105, 115, 125, 130x2, 125)

B. 1 1/4 BS 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3. (fast). 2-3 min rest. (105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 150)

C. FS w/Chains + 10# plates. 3 reps AFAP EMOM x14

D. Airdyne. hold rusty above 7 ALAP (1:09) (45 clicks)


A. PS 3 RM. must be done in <10s (90#)

B. CTB. 5 sets of 3. AFAP. 2 min rest. x5 (1:40; 1:25; 2:20; 2:35; 2:40)

C1. Feet Elevated Ring Rows. 5 reps AFAP. 30s rest. (10s, 9s, 9s, 9s, 9s)
C2. BP. 60# 10 reps AFAP. 30s rest. (16s, 17s, 15s, 16s, 17s)

D. Death by Burpees. 6 rds + 12 reps = 202 reps