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Monday, December 29, 2014




Easy 20 m row
4028m 2:28.9 avg 500 pace

20 min AMRAP
20 Thruster 95#
20 Pull Up
20 Burpees

(try for 5s on thrusters, 5s pull ups, non-stop & steady on burpee)
Did not do this. Getting over being sick and just starting to be able to eat. Rowed instead.  Felt good to get out of house and move around. 

12-23-14 to 12-26-14

Sick, rested up. did not complete this

A. Squat Clean & Jerk. 135#. 8 singles. rest 90 secs.
EMOM for 20 min
Odd- 8 CTB
Even- 8 Ring Dip


4 rounds for time
1000m row
15 Power Snatch 55#
60 Double Unders


A. Snatch Grip DL @ 41x1.  5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 1. 2 min rest.
185, 205, 210, 195, 205, 215.
B. Behind the Neck Shoulder Press.  3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1. 2 min rest.
75, 76, 76, 80, 81, 85
C. Weighted vest Pull Up Hold on rings. Accumulate 3 mins.
With +50# vmax vest. 30sx2, 20sx3, 15sx4.   These were really tough

500m row @ 85%
2 min rest
Felt pretty icky all day, def not 100% going into this, started 5th row a little late which accounted for longer split time 

Saturday, December 20, 2014


A. Squat clean n jerk 130. 10 singles. 75s rest btwn.
Failed rep #9
Emom for 20
Odd- 7 ctb
Even- 7 rd
All unb. Pretty easy whole 20 min approx 12s for CTB and 15s for RD.


A. TnG Power Snatch. Build to a 3rm.
95#, 100#x2
B. HPC. 4 on the min for 12 min. 115+
115x4, 120x5, 125x3
8 min AMRAP
Power Snatch 75#
Burpee Box Jump 20"
8 PS / 1 BBJ = 65 reps, 1-5 unb PS

1000m row
25 double unders
750m row
50 double unders
500m row
75 double unders
250m row
100 double unders
16:03 personal best and improvement from last time. DUs still difficult with tightness in back. 


A. Power Clean x3 / Hang Power Clean from Below Knee x2 / Hang Power Clean from Mid Thigh x1. Build to a max
115.   Took this kinda easy, worked up to what went up easy without any pulling on back
5 Rounds for Time
350m Row
7 Deadlift 185#
Did DL at 125.  Was able to keep perfect form and load up hamstrings good without any discomfort. 1:18.6 / 1:21.5 / 1:25.5 / 1:24.8 / 1:24.3
20 min easy row
4,220m 2:22.1 avg pace


A. Strict HSPU. 10 Doubles to max depth, 1 abmat max. rest as needed between sets.
10 doubles, 5 singles to abmat
B. HSPU Negatives. 20 slow & controlled, maybe try weight vest.. slow through the middle
On blk paralettes with ab mat, no vest.
EMOM for 18 min
Min 1- 2 MU
Min 2- 6 Thruster 95#
Min 3- 10 Box Jump 20"
All MU and thrusters unb. 

50 Shoulder to Overhead 115#
*7 Unbroken toes to bar every break
Broken up into 7, 7, 6, 7, 5, 6, 4, f, 5, 3.  115 felt tough on my back overhead, felt like that was a limiting factor with how I was breaking up sets

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


A. Snatch Grip DL @ 41x1.  6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 2. 2 min rest
175, 195, 205, 185, 200, 210
B. Behind the Neck Shoulder Press.  3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1. 2 min rest.
75, 80, 80x1, 75x3, 80, 81, 80
C. Weighted vest Pull Up Hold on rings. Accumulate 2 mins.
Used black vmax vest +50#. 20sx3, 15sx2, 10sx3.

500m row @ 85%
2 min rest

Sunday, December 14, 2014



A. MU. 1 every 45 seconds.  x 12
B. HSPU. 10 doubles to max depth that allows for doubles... 1 abmat max. rest as needed.
10 doubles, 4 singles to abmat.
C. Deficit HPSU negatives. As slow as possible, as deep as possible where you can control it the entire way.  20 reps not for time.
Used black paralleled with ab mat in between
D. 350m row for time
1:06.1 *personal best*

129 reps *personal best.  Finished Ed 1 around 2 min. In the past this has been usually around 2:30.  Finished rd 2 at  5:38. Got 13 reps of OHS into 2rd of the 14s.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


A. PS x 1 / HPS below knee x2 / HPS mid thigh x 1. 2 min rest. x5
85, 85, 90, 90, 95. 95 needs more work on catching with head already thru. 
B. hang power clean. 5 on the min. 105-115 x 10
110x5, 115x5
15 min amrap
30 shoulder taps
30 sec L-sit
4 rounds +10.  All shoulder taps UNB.  L-sits done in 10s.

Row 5k
19:58.4 *personal best*
1:59.8 avg pace


A. Squat clean n jerk. 125.  10 Singles. 90 sec rest.
Did 5 PJ & 5 SJ.
Emom x18
Odd 6 CTB
Even 6 Ring dips, kipping ok
All Unb. CTB approx 10-12s, Ring Dips approx 12-15s.  Started to get difficult around min 13.

12-06-14 to 12-08-14

A. Squat Clean. 5RM. (125#)
3 RFT:
10 Squat Snatch 65#
10 BBJ 30"
All Sq Sn in 5s.  Mised rep 9 of 3rd round of BBJ.



A. MU. AMRAP in 15 minutes. no box. 17 reps.  misses on reps 16 and 17, all singles. had more difficulty with these than i have lately, maybe over thinking the technique too much again?  right arm is lagging a little, just need a little extra turnover on that right wrist.
B. Bent Over Row. 5x5. 2 min rest. (105, 115, 120, 120, 120)
14 min AMRAP
3 strict press "tough"
3 L Pull Up
11 rounds + 3 reps.  used 75# for SP. L pullups are getting better, still all singles...  need to swing feet up into L position but once there then i will start the pullup

30 sec kipping pull up (16, 16, 16, 16, 15, 14) all unbroken
30 sec burpee (8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7)
30 sec double under (13, 8, 32, 25, 31, 33)
90 sec rest
was having lots of difficulty getting the rope going for DUs, almost like i forgot how to jump.  left side back still little tight after heavy PCs on wed..... can feel that i'm just super stiff trying to jump)


A. PC Max. (150#)
B. 8 min max PC w 90% A. (36 reps @ 135) 18 reps at 4 min mark, 2 misses (13, 37)

Open WOD 14.1
10 min AMRAP:
30 DU
15 PS 55#

6 rds + 33 (303 reps)  double unders still kinda sucked even though i got almost 1 full round more than when I did it in the opens.

Monday, December 8, 2014


A. Squat snatch. 8 total attempts @ 95# +.  rest as needed. (95, 100x2, 105f, 100, 105x2, 110PS)
B. 1 1/4 Back Squat. 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3. 3 min rest. (150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175)
C. Karen 6:09
Warmup: 50 DUs unb x3. Snatches...  hit 110 pretty cleanly but in power position, this is a PR.   Karen broke up by 50, 25, 25, 25, 10, 15.  legs felt fantastic, arms were starting to fatigue which impacted switching to smaller sets of WBs.  very pleased with this though... actually really really happy, feel like this is a solid improvement in right direction


A1. Wall Facing Shoulder Taps. AMRAP unbroken. 1 min rest.
A2. False Grip Supinated Pull Up Hold. Accumulate 45 sec. 2 min rest. x5
B. Ring Support Hold in Ext Rotation. Accumulate 3 mins.
C. Archer Pull Ups. Accumulate 30 reps.
Warmup: 50 DU unbroken x 3. Shoulder taps 50, 50, 50, 35, 25. false grip holds all unb.  ring support holds in sets of 30s

20 min AMRAP:
50m Overhead Walk 95#
1 Legless Rope Climb
30 Second Hollow Rock
5 rounds + 50 m, finished 5th round at 17 min mark?